The textbook example (literally) problem is the Longest Common Subsequence. Found in Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein Chapter 15.4. Perhaps not the most difficult problem, but one that illustrates the usefulness of dynamic programming very effectively.

Problem statement

Given two sequences of characters, X=[x₁, x₂, x₃, …, xₙ] and Y=[y₁, y₂, y₃, …, yₘ], find the longest common subsequence (later LCS) Z=[z₁, z₂, z₃, …, zₖ] where n, m, k >= 1 and n, m, k ∈ ℕ.

Subsequence: Given a sequence X=[x₁, x₂, x₃, …, xₙ], another sequence Z=[z₁, z₂, z₃, …, zₖ] is a subsequence of X if there exists a strictly increasing sequence of indexes [i₁, i₂, i₃, …, iₗ] such that for all k=1, 2, …, l X[iₖ] = Zₖ.

Example: X = “abcpotcd” Y = “decpote” then the longes common subsequence will be: Z = “cpot”.

Recursive solution

We have two sequences as inputs X and Y and we wish to find the longest sequence of characters that follow each other and are subsequences for both inputs. For input sequences X and Y suppose that we have indexes i and j, where i indexes X and j indexes Y. Let Xi and Yj denote the prefix for each sequence until (including) the indicated index. The solution we are looking for can be rephrased now as the longest common sequence for Xn and Ym.

With this phrasing we can define a recursive solution.

The longest common subsequence for prefixes Xn and Ym (the whole sequences) can only be one of the following:

In other words either X matches on the last character with the last character of Y in which case we increase the previously found value by one or choose the longer LCS between prefix pairs of LCS(Xn-1, Ym) and LCS(Xn, Ym-1).

LCS(X, i, Y, j):
    if i == 0 or j == 0
        return 0
    if X[i] == Y[j]
        return LCS(X, i-1, Y, j-1) + 1
        return max(LCS(X, i-1, Y, j), LCS(X, i, Y, j-1))

Where max denotes a function choosing the maximum value between its two arguments or either one (because they are equal).


𝒪(2n+m), because for each subsequence of X (which is 2n) we have to check each subsequence of Y (which is 2m), thus 2n * 2m = 2n+m.

Obviously an exponential running time is rather undesirable. Dynamic programming to the rescue!

Dynamic programming

First we must check if dynamic programming is applicable. Two requirements must be satisfied:

Optimal substructure

The algorithm makes a choice between LCS(X, i-1, Y, j-1), LCS(X, i-1, Y, j) and LCS(X, i, Y, j-1). The first one may not seem like a choice, because it does not involve a second option like the last two, but it is conditional and as such acts as a choice.

  1. Clearly we have 3 possible subproblems to solve: LCS(X, i-1, Y, j-1), LCS(X, i-1, Y, j) and LCS(X, i, Y, j-1). All three are mutually independent? Why? They do not use up resources from one another. Just because LCS(X, i-1, Y, j) would find a subsequence it does not mean that LCS(X, i, Y, j-1) cannot find the exact same subsequence. In other words both solutions exist independently, because the existence of one does not contradict the existence of the other.
  2. Assume that one of our three choices is optimal.
  3. There are 3 possible choices:
    • X[i] == Y[j], which means the characters match and we count it, and with that we have an LCS for sequences Xi and Yj. Let’s assume that Xi-1 and Yj-1 do not form an LCS and there is a better choice, increasing the total LCS length by at least another one. That would mean that LCS for Xi and Yj increases by more than one. That is however impossible, because we can only match on one character pair at a time, thus the length cannot increase by more than one.
    • X[i] != Y[j], and Xi-1 and Yj forms an LCS for Xi and Yj. Lets assume that Xi-1 and Yj isn’t optimal and there exists a longer solution. That would entail that the LCS for Xi and Yj increases by at least one. That however contradicts the original statement that X[i] != Y[j]. The length cannot increase as there are no available character pair to increase it by.
    • X[i] != Y[j], and Xi and Yj-1 forms and LCS for Xi and Yj. This is symmetric to the previous one.

With this we see that LCS exhibits the optimal substructure property.

Overlapping subproblems

This problem is indeed constructed of overlapping subproblems. The recursive solution displays it clearly if we examine the possible branches it can take. Let’s assume we are at LCS(X, i, Y, j). It can call LCS(X, i-1, Y, j-1) or LCS(X, i-1, Y, j) and LCS(X, i, Y, j-1). The last two would eventually have to evaluate LCS(X, i-1, Y, j-1) as well, which is a subproblem the algorithm had had to evaluate on the previous iteration.

LCS overlapping subproblems illustration

With both requirements satisfied for dynamic programming we can finally apply it.


The Top-down solution is in essence exactly the same as the recursive solution. The only difference is that memoization has been added. So previously seen subproblems will not be evaluated multiple times.

LCS(X, i, Y, j, memo):
    if {<i, j} in memo
        return memo[i, j]
    if i == 0 or j == 0
        memo[i, j] = 0
        return 0
    if X[i] == Y[j]
        value = LCS(X, i-1, Y, j-1, memo) + 1
        memo[i, j] = value
        return value
        value = max(LCS(X, i-1, Y, j, memo), LCS(X, i, Y, j-1, memo))
        memo[i, j] = value
        return value


Time-complexity: 𝒪(n*m)

Space-complexity: 𝒪(n*m)


The Bottom-up solution is a little bit different and it necessitates the observation that for each {i, j} pair we have to solve the LCS problem for {i-1, j-1}, {i-1, j} and {i, j-1}. If we were to create a dp matrix where the of height is length(X) and width of length(Y) we could store the result to each subproblem in it. More importantly this matrix can be filled up from the top row, from the left to right, in the common fashion as each matrix entry of {i, j} only depends on the entries to its left, above it and from the entry above and left from it.

LCS bottom up example

LCS(X, Y):
    dp = zero matrix of height length(X) + 1, and width of length(Y) + 1

    if X is empty or Y is empty:
        return 0

    for i = 0 to length(X)
        for j = 0 to length(Y)
            if X[i] == Y[j]
                dp[i + 1][j + 1] = dp[i][j] + 1
                dp[i + 1][j + 1] = max( dp[i + 1][j], dp[i][j + 1]

    return dp[length(X)][length(Y)]

Do not be intimidated by the indexing. It is just a trick so the check for invalid values is avoided. dp[i + 1][j + 1] = dp[i][j] + 1 is the same as writing dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1] + 1, but in the latter we would have to write checks not to get out of the bound of the matrix.


Time-complexity: 𝒪(n*m)

Space-complexity: 𝒪(n*m)

Execution speed using C++ implementations

Code can be found here.

Input lengthRecursiveTop-downBottom-up
10673'747 ns644 ns286 ns
100N/A61'568 ns17'266 ns
1000N/A7'269'949 ns3'930'985 ns

Even though we have seen the time and space complexity for both the Top-down and Bottom-up solutions are the same, in practice the Buttom-up solution runs at least twice as fast. This is because it performs no checks to see if a subproblem was already evaluated. It just blindly calculates everything that it needs and that is it.