If you have ever wondered what you are doing with your life. Had the sneaking suspicion that something isn’t right. Especially if you are tired of the hustle culture, of gurus selling programs that claim solve your problems. This book may be for you. It talks about religion and faith, goals and motivations, but not as an end all be all. It only gently shows you a way of thinking, that as I did, you may find as a refreshing drop of sanity to center yourself by.
Company cultures are not necessarily healthy, even with the best of intentions. Non the less they are one of the most prevalent aspects of our lives. If we don’t watch out, the mistakes in them can seep into our lives, potentially ruining it. Here we examine a way on how not to give feedback and how to do it properly. If ever in doubt try to ask yourself: ‘Is this how I would communicate an issue to my significant other?’ If not, you know it isn’t right. To further help the reader some context and an attempt at explanation is given as well.